- Opening Remarks : Sita NARAYANAN – Pauline COUVIN – Pascaline GABORIT
- Important Takeaways ·: Mikaa BLUGEON-MERED
- Transplantation trial and error: the critical state of Caribbean coral farming : Dr. Reia GUPPY
- The importance of sea grass beds in adaptation to climate change: flexible management, integrated tools : Dr. Fanny KERNINON
- Mangroves as barriers against the effects of climate change : Dr. Norman Clive DUKE
- Evaluating nature-based projects for coastal risk reduction: lessons learned from a Caribbean project : Dr. Virginie DUVAT et Ines HATTON
- System to evaluate and monitor socio-economic impact : Dr. Donovan CAMPBELL
- References and acknowledgments
- Symposium Proceedings Télécharger